Carl is an Interaction Designer (IxD for short).

Monday, April 23, 2007

IxD books, articles

From postings to the IxDN Discuss list:

Designing for Interaction - Dan Saffer

Designing the Obvious - Robert Hoekman

Ambient Findability - Peter Morville

Digital Ground by Malcolm McCullough

Designing Interfaces by Jennifer Tidwell

Thoughts on Interaction Design by Jon Kolko

Sketching User Experience by Bill Buxton

Managing the Design Factory

Designing the Mobile User Experience - Mobile Interaction Design
Mobile Interaction Design - Jones and Marsden

Designing Interfaces - Tidwell

How Buildings Learn

The Architecture of Happiness

“Style is Not a Four Letter Word”, Emigre #62 by Mr. Keedy (magazine article)

Emotional Design: Why We Love (Or Hate) Everyday Things by Donald Norman

The Elements of Typograhic Style - Bringhurst

Acting with Technology: Activity Theory and Interaction Design

What Things Do: Philosophical Reflections on Technology, Agency, And Design

Ajax Design Patterns - Mahemoff

Critical Mass, How One Thing Leads to Another - Ball

Ajax and REST Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach - Gross

Massively Multiplayer Game Development - Alexander (This book is awesome
when considering how to build persistent world community driven
applications, social networks, etc.)

1) Made to Stick - the Heath brothers (if I had to pick one ABSOLUTE
MUST READ book, this would be it)

2) The Long Tail - Anderson

3) The Paradox of Choice - Schwartz

4) Flow - Csikszentmihalyi

5) Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion - Cialdini

\Story: Substance, Structure, Style and The
Principles of Screenwriting - McKee.

Catching the Big Fish

What Things Do

The Creating Brain -Andreasen

The Laws of Simplicity -Maeda

In the Bubble -Thakara

Designing Interactions -Moggridge

Managing as Designing - Boland/Callopy (even better the second time)

Unstuck by Keith Yamashita and Sandra Spataro

Imitation of Life How Biology is Inspiring Computing, Nancy Forbes (2005)

The Human Use of Human Beings - Cybernetics and Society, Norbert Wiener (1956)

The Meaning of Art, Herbert Read (1949)

The Dance of Life: The Other Dimension of Time - Hall

Learning from Stangers - Weiss

Making Comics - McCloud

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team - Lencioni

The Natue of Order: The Phenomenon of Life - Alexander

Basic Visual Concepts And Principles For Artists, Architects And Designers - Wallschlaeger & Busic-Snyder

Universal Principles of Design - Holden, Litwell, Butler

"Information Interaction Design: A unified field theory of design" byNathan Shedroff:*

"All watched over by machines of loving grace: Some ethical guidelinesfor user experience in ubiquitous-computing settings" by AdamGreenfield (Boxes and Arrows)*

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